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Turkey Pardoning Tradition Lives On

Posted: 26 Nov 2009, 17:49
by Cartollomew ... s-a-turkey


Here's the skinny on this mildly weird event:
Each year the president is presented with two birds; one which will be publicly pardoned and a "backup" bird which will also be pardoned, but nobody ever talks about it.

Still following?

The backup bird is significant, because one year, the main bird was ill and they had to use the backup. Phew - shows the importance of planning.

Most recently the birds have been literally sent to Disney Land to live out the rest of their days not being eaten. Disney Land. For the 2 turkeys. One of which nobody even talked about for the one day they have in the spotlight.

Bear in mind these are absolutely freakin' huge birds, who, among other things, are incapable of breeding by themselves.

One wonders if life for a bird bred specifically to be eaten is really all that awesome once it's past the "best before" date.
United States presidents have the power to pardon wrongly convicted prisoners and their authority extends to saving turkeys set for the slaughter.
The turkey wasn't convicted. The turkey most certainly wasn't wrongly convicted. The fact that each administration in the US can take part in an event that is effectively making light of the death penalty bothers me slightly.

Fortunately, this issue was addressed by President Bartlet - the one the US should have had, except that Bush got in, and Bartlet was actually fictional.

There isn't really a point to this post, it's just interesting to note that sometimes often surreal things happen with no fanfare.

Re: Turkey Pardoning Tradition Lives On

Posted: 26 Nov 2009, 17:55
by Philondra
You must have missed the Sarah Palin turkey pardon fiasco last year (governors do it too -- not just presidents.) She gave an interview after she pardoned the turkey, and it was very easy to see that she, uh, didn't have someone tightly controlling her image.

Re: Turkey Pardoning Tradition Lives On

Posted: 26 Nov 2009, 18:14
by Cartollomew
Oh God her voice grates.

Yeh, I remember that - a very Fargo sorta scene.

This is why you do your pardoning at the residence or whatever. Doing it at a place where they slaughter turkeys is probably counter productive.

At least he wasn't woodchipping the turkey she'd just pardoned...

...or was he?