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Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 13:04
by Cartollomew
Take this very short survey

No really, do it.

Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 13:11
by Dropdeadqt



Don't be a bunch of assholes.

Seriously, as above, don't be a bunch of discriminating assholes.

Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 13:20
by Cartollomew

Unfortunately, it looks like the authoritarian sway is working in favour of the religious groups - the interim summary is against.

Oh well. We do what we must because we can.

Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 13:28
by Dropdeadqt
Religion =(.


Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 13:34
by Lellybaby
I unfortunately am sceptical about the law passing just because Gay Marriage is always going to be opposed by religious conservatives, and I wouldn't be opposed if the law passed and churches had the right to refuse to perform a gay marriage (Free Choice). I would just hope those religions would realise that they will eventually lose their power once people realise how back-ward thinking they are.

What really shits me off is when the vote for Civil Unions Bill in Queensland was introduced, all the people who were against to it could provide no valid reason why it should be opposed. Most of the comments made were made to do with Marriage which was nothing to do with what the bill was about, and what really upset me was the LNP wouldn't even give their members a chance to conscience vote.

Now that they are talking about repealing it should they win (And by all likely hood LNP will win on Saturday), just makes me wonder how discrimination can still exist, for something as basic as being able to say you are in a relationship with someone for tax/legal/health purposes.

Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 16:56
by Cartollomew
To be honest, this isn't the optimal solution.

I'd like to see marriage as a codified law abolished, and replaced with a generic civil union.

Really, what is civil marriage today? It has nothing to do with sex or kids - we've got a legal system capable of dealing with those issues for defacto couples.

It boils down to:
1) Two people enter an exclusive arrangement affecting their tax returns and benefits, provided they live together
2) Both parties enjoy benefits regarding hospital visitation and medical decisions et al

That's pretty much it. So, not only should such an arrangement not discriminate based on sex, it should also be open to any couple living together and prepared to accept those conditions - doesn't matter if they're related, in a sexual relationship, have kids etc etc

Then marriage becomes a non-legal matter, and who cares?

As it is, within churches, you often get "church married" before doing the official legal paperwork - you get married twice, it's just that God doesn't operate the ATO.

Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 20:50
by dukkha
Generally agree Cart. And Lel, yeah I know, it's utterly horrible that the LNP is saying they'll turn back the civil unions legislation. I kind of hope that now it's been codified and couples have already entered into the unions, that civil rights groups would be able to argue that removing the right is discrimination and get it over-turned in court, but it shouldn't bloody well have to come to that. I can't decide if it's more or less frustrating that their ostensible leader has said he personally has no issue with gay unions, but would follow party policy and revoke the law.

Also, the LNP member who will be head of GLBTQI issues seems to be of the 'pray the gay away' persuasion, which is terrifying. Seriously you hide-bound fuckers, there's nothing scary about 'the gays'. If you don't want to have sex with or marry them... don't. *grumblemutter*

Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 21 Mar 2012, 23:37
by Kayleb

I seriously don't get it, is it really a big deal? Most the people getting married today don't even go to church.

Also, I did 'awww' at this...


Re: Australian Government Survey - Same Sex Marriage

Posted: 22 Mar 2012, 14:38
by Philondra
I'm not intimately familiar with the situation in Australia, but from what I gather it's similar to that in the U.S., in which opposition to gay marriage is both a religious and generational matter. In about 30 years or so, when it will be our generation that is the old men running the world, I imagine that gay marriage will be legalized in both countries.

Personally, for legal purposes I don't see what marriage should have to do with religion. We're talking about things like tax filing, inheritance, the right to make health decisions for incapacitated loved ones, etc -- real issues that nearly every couple will face at one time or another. For me, personally, the big issue is one of visas. In American, there is a law called DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which stipulates that the federal government recognizes marriage as a bond between one man and one woman. As long as that exists, it doesn't matter if I get married in my home state (my home state recognizes gay marriage), because I still can't get a visa for him to come over. This is one reason why we haven't gotten married yet.

But yeah, give it another 30-40 years maximum, and I bet that this issue will have been settled in both countries.