Lokidoki - DK Tank
Ratholorn - Prot Warrior
Ammune - Resto Druid
Noraneko - Disc Priest
Gankiest - Surv Hunter
Handofdesu - Arcane Mage
Nayto - Feral Druid
Plex - Affl Lock
Rorix - Ele Shaman
Selten - Muti Rogue
The fight itself is amazing. From a healing perspective it has been the most technically challenging fight I've ever completed. The damage at times on tanks can be absolutely obscene like the Add tank getting hit for 71,000 and the continually changing structure of the fight means that the way you heal has to continually change. From down ranking shield levels in order to guarantee infest will pop them to get a burst of regen to skipping an entire group and winding up an AoE group heal to cover infest because you were too busy spam healing the Add tank with 2 shambling horrors on him and infest with one on a Low HP enrage (And the Lich King once or twice cause he taunted it >.>). And that's just phase 1...
To ALL the people we've had in the group at various times and to the kill team in particular... Congratulations and Thank You. We've had 4 tanks, about 11 DPS rotate around due to real life issues and other commitments. It's been a little difficult with the changing group dynamic, but, all in all, I think we are stronger because of it and it will give us an edge on repeating our success with some new people.
We have however only had the same 2 healers for the entire time. To Ammune specifically, it's been an absolute pleasure healing this with you and I can say that you are, without a doubt, one of the absolute best druids the game will ever see.
So where do we go from here? I guess it's time for a nice long AFK and time to play catchup on the past 2 years or so of quality gaming that WoW has denied me... Yeah probably not ><.
See you all in Cata!
P.S. Don't use warrior tanks, they suck ass.